I need edging along the front fence line to help keep the grass out |
Seems my spare time of late has been either working out in the garden fighting all the weeds and grass that keep going into the garden beds, or in the kitchen doing up produce to last us till next year........ jams and relish mostly, with some bottled fruit.
Unfortunately our summer garden did not do at all well, I'm hopeful our winter garden will do better. I've dug up half the vegie garden and have some seedlings planted: red onions, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, turnips and brussel sprouts.
For those of you who have been following along with the home challenge, no matter what part of the world you are in, it hopefully will be a time when you can see to your garden areas, verandas and porches tidied up, and the outside of the house washed down.
Thankyou to those who hold us up in prayer. May each one who visits this blog be blessed.
Hugs Sharm